Soul Portraits

Illuminate your essence to inspire your future growth and elevation. 

Feel Your Wings Portrait by Katy DeBra features 3 sets of wings, embroidered rainbow beads and an abalone heart pendant attached in the center.  They develop a stronger bond with your own uplifting energies.

Feel Your Wings Portrait

This is an empowering custom intuitive art talisman to deepen your bond with your own uplifting energies 🌟πŸ’₯πŸŒžπŸ’ž


Sun Spirit Guide Portrait

How will you Shine in the world? 

A Sun Spirit Portrait brings together your highest internal and external guidance with colors, shapes, compositions and universal love and healing energies. It is channeled and created specifically for you or for your project or mission. 

Power of Three Intuitive Art Reading samples: find the magic in your choices, enjoy in a graphic vision board style.

Power of Three Reading

Find the Magic in your choices! Making choices opens our energy, and therefore, our power and possibilities. Power of Three is a graphic visual representation of your 3 choices and the expanded possibilities they create together. It functions like a vision board and connects you to daily actions and affirmations to create new habits.

More information and purchase here:

Henna-style Intuitive Art Reading: experience the delicate beauty of henna-style art that will last for years instead of being gone after a few weeks when applied to the skin.

Henna-style Intuitive Art Reading

Inspired by my Intuitive Henna Readings done on the body, in which a reading comes through in images in addition to words. We don’t know what the images will be beforehand. Created in deep brown India ink with added sheer color on watercolor paper, they capture the beauty and delicacy of henna yet last for years. 


Please contact me to order a Soul Portrait!